Maximizing Social Security Workshops
Location: Edmond History Museum
431 S Boulevard, Edmond, OK 73034
Two Convenient Classes to Choose from :
Thursday, August 1st, at 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 P.M
Course Code: METEH0801
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Tuesday, August 6th, at 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 P.M
Course Code: METEH0806
Advanced Registration is Required.
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Call: (844) 490-2412
Learn important rules that affect the amount of retirement benefits you collect, as well as strategies for coordinating Social Security with other sources of retirement income!
When your benefits may begin and how the age at which you apply will affect the amount you receive.
How to Maximize Social Security benefits and how to Minimize taxes on them.
Strategies to consider before deciding to apply doe benefits.
What to do if you have other income from pensions or IRAs.
What is the future of Social Security and what does it mean to you?
When it makes sense to delay benefits and when it does not.
How the wrong Social Security decision can cost you money
How your current employment will affect benefits?
How two little-known strategies could increase your family income and survivor benefits.
​Can you fix your Social Security election if you made a mistake?
How cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) impact benefits.
Learn how your assets fit together with Social Security to fund your quality of life in retirement.